What did the Lord question about the people’s fasting? (He questioned whether the outward appearances of fasting reflected the proper spirit of the fast that He intended.)

In biblical times people often wore sackcloth or sat on sackcloth and ashes to symbolize their humility or sorrow. Explain that a bulrush is a tall, thin grass that droops and that sackcloth is coarse material sometimes made from goat’s hair. Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the Lord questioned about the people’s fasting. Invite a student to read Isaiah 58:5 aloud. The Lord said that because their intentions and actions were improper while they fasted, He would not acknowledge their prayers. Instead of showing compassion to others, they forced others to work, and they were irritable and contentious. He taught that rather than seeking to be repentant and draw closer to Him while they fasted, they sought worldly pleasures and engaged in worldly activities.

Point out that verses 3–4 record the Lord’s response to the people. What did the people ask the Lord about their fasting? (They wondered why He did not acknowledge their fasting.) Ask the class to follow along, looking for what the people asked the Lord about their fasting. Invite a student to read Isaiah 58:3 aloud. These sins included outwardly performing religious practices without sincere intent and thus acting as if they were a righteous nation that had not forsaken the Lord.Įxplain that one law these Israelites outwardly practiced was fasting. Summarize Isaiah 58:1–2 by explaining that the Lord directed Isaiah to boldly declare to the house of Jacob (or Israel) their sins. Invite students to look for principles in Isaiah 58 that can help them understand why we fast and how fasting can be a source of spiritual power. Explain that some people wonder why the Lord has directed us to fast. )Īsk students to reflect on their feelings about fasting. When do Church members usually fast? (We can fast at any time, but “the Church designates one Sunday each month, usually the first Sunday, as a day of fasting”. What is fasting? (When members of the Church “fast,” they voluntarily go without food and drink for about 24 hours in order to draw closer to the Lord and seek His blessings.) To ensure students have a basic understanding of fasting, ask: What are the first thoughts that enter your mind? One Sunday morning, you prepare breakfast and are about to start eating when you realize that it is fast Sunday. Invite students to imagine themselves in the following situation: The Lord teaches about proper fasting and Sabbath observance Through Isaiah, the Lord taught the people about proper fasting and Sabbath observance. The Jews wondered why the Lord did not acknowledge their fasting.